Online Pilates and Yoga classes -
Live and interactive with two-way real-time video support
My online Yoga and Pilates classes are not pre-recorded. I have live interactive classes that give you support in the real-time two-way video. I can hear, see and interact with every class member to monitor each one and provide advice, teaching points, adaptations and corrections in real-time.
My online classes incorporate a maximum of 12 students per session so every class will be more personalized. I will keep you focused during the entire live session and help you to stay committed and to ensure you achieve your goals.
First Online session is free.

How do my Online Yoga and Pilates classes work
My live, interactive online Yoga and Pilates classes are conducted via the video conferencing software Zoom.
We place our screens in a way that we can see and hear each other. I will interact with you to monitor you and offer advice, teaching points, adaptations and corrections in real-time.
How to join my Online Yoga and Pilates Classes
Joining my online Yoga and Pilates classes is very easy with most popular modern internet-enabled devices coming with built-in microphones and video camera functionality:
Book an online class via my site.
Download ZOOM to your preferred internet-connected device.
Click on the class link I will email you 30 min. before class begins.

How to download Zoom app?1. Go to 3. Click Download below the headline "Zoom Client for Meetings". 4. Choose “Save file” to download the Zoom installation program to your computer. 5. Double click on the downloaded program (ZoomInstaller.exe) to start the installation.
How to join Online Classes via Zoom meeting?I will send a link to your registered email before Pilates or Yoga session is due to commence.
What do I need for Online Classes?Laptop, computer or tablet with functioning camera and microphone (PC, MAC, Chromebook, Linux, Android or iOS device) Internet connection Zoom app (this isfree) Yoga Mat (towel or blanket, if you have a Yoga block)